Friday, March 23, 2007

The Visitation of the King of kings-Dwelling Place Series 1.5

"Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of prayer of all nations? But you have made it a den of thieves (Mark 11:17)."

The fifth dwelling place in our series is Herod’s Temple. This dwelling place was actually an extension and repair of the Restoration Temple. It is named after Herod, the evil Roman king who ordered it to be built. Why would evil Herod desire to build a temple for God? The answer is that he was trying to become more popular with the people he was governing, the Jews. Thus, he built this temple not for God’s glory but for his own.

However, the extraordinary thing is that God overcame this bad beginning to dwell in this temple in remarkable ways. Herod’s Temple is the temple that was standing during Christ’s time on earth. Thus, any time you read of an event happening in the temple during the life of Christ (such as His dedication, discussing issues with the doctors of law, explaining about the river of life, the veil being torn upon His crucifixion), this is the temple in which it took place. Truly, there was a tremendous glory in this temple as it was visited by the King of kings in the flesh!

During the time of Christ, merchants and money changers had flooded this temple, using it is a place of profit. When Christ saw this, holy anger rose within Him and He drove them out. He declared that His house was not to be a place of business, but above all else was to be a house of prayer.

This statement brings us to a vital truth about God’s dwelling places; they are always to be characterized by prayer above all else! If you want your life to be a place that God is pleased to dwell in, you must be a person of prayer. He is looking for those who will press in to Him, spending time each day seeking His face, people who have a passion for prayer and His presence. Let’s be prayer-saturated dwelling places for Him.


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