Thursday, November 02, 2006

Giant Slaying Part 3

(This is the third and final part of the article "Giant Slaying".)

Goodbye, Giant

When Goliath saw the young man with a slingshot and stick walking towards him, he started to laugh. Surely this little kid wasn’t going to try to face him. Noticing that David was serious in his intention, he looked down on him with a sneer, “Am I dog? Is that why you’re coming against me with a stick? Come here boy, and I’ll feed you to the birds.” Goliath was sure that he would have an easy victory over the young shepherd, and was insulted that the armies of Israel had even allowed David to approach him.

David had carefully picked out five smooth stones for his slingshot. He replied to Goliath’s taunts, “You come against me with your sword and spear, your power and your weapons-but I come against you with something better. I come against you in the name of the Lord! Today God is going to defeat you, and I’m going to cut off your head-this is God’s battle, not mine. The Lord will defeat you!” With these words David began to run towards Goliath as the giant lumbered closer. Taking a stone out of his bag, David hurled it at Goliath, and it miraculously went right through the slits of his helmet and sank into his forehead! As Goliath tumbled to the ground, David took his enemy’s sword out of its sheath and used it to cut off his enormous head. When the Philistines saw their hero dead, they all ran away in panic, and the warriors of Israel gave chase. The armies of God had a mighty victory on that day.

The key to David’s victory was that he placed his faith in God-that is the only way we can slay giants! While all the other Israelites were focused on how powerful Goliath was, David was focused on how powerful his God was! That is something that we must always remember. No matter what our problem, circumstance, or difficulty, God is bigger, God is stronger, God is in control. So don’t look at the size of your giant-look at the size of your God. He is the one who “always causes us to triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14)”, the one who gives us victory all the time!

The five stones chosen by David for his slingshot also teach us an important lesson. In Scripture, the number five represents the grace of God-the five stones indicate that David killed Goliath by God’s grace alone. While God has called us to be giant slayers, it’s important to remember that we cannot do the slaying on our own! It is only by God’s grace, by God’s power, that we can be victorious. So always cry out for His grace when you are in a battle. Our giants tumble, not because we are so big, so strong, or so wise, but because our God is so big. The focus must always be on Him and His grace.

Remember how David used Goliath’s own sword to cut off his head? This shows us what happens to the enemy’s weapons when we are walking in faith-they do not hurt us but they hurt the enemy himself (Isaiah 54:17). So when the enemy tries to attack you, you can rejoice; as you follow God, the wicked plan will not work for your harm but for your eternal benefit!

After Goliath was dead, all the Philistines ran away in terror, and the once-timid Israelite soldiers chased after them. Do you see the truth here? Faith is contagious! David had faith to defeat Goliath; he knew God was on his side (Psalm 56:9), and through his knowledge others came to know and believe that as well. As you step out in faith and begin slaying giants, your friends, cellmates, family, and others will have their faith increased as well. Those who used to cower in fear will be inspired by your example. So be bold, step out in faith, and watch others follow you as the giants start to drop a your left and your right. When God arises, all of his enemies will be scattered (Psalm 68:1).

So Let’s Get Slaying!

The time for timid Christianity is over; the time for blending in with the world is done. Our generation has too many problems, there are too many spiritual giants binding those all around for us to sit in silence any longer. It is time to attack the enemy, to go after the spiritual principalities and powers that bind our schools, our families, our nation, even our own lives. We go to war not in the natural but in the spirit, with the mighty power of God doing the fighting through us. How will the giants fall? Not by our might, not by our power, but by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Let’s live in the victory God has ordained for us-let’s get slaying every Goliath in our path!


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